Jürgen Franz
Jürgen Franz testimonial
“The first time I heard Sir James Galway was with the famous recording from “La Bohéme“ with the Berlin Philharmonic. His sound was such an inspiration for me, that I started to listen to all his recordings and attend as much live concerts all over Germany as possible.
When Sir James startet his Masterclasses in Switzerland it was clear, that I was there end of the 80th at the very first class in the Casino from Luzern, later followed by the classes in the 90th in Weggis. I also had the great pleasure and privilege being teached by Sir James during his touring in Germany and during all my travels to Switzerland. His teaching was very clear and his extraordinary playing always gave me so much positive energy to practice the flute. Being a teacher myself I still use much from his lessons, so the "Galway-Legacy" is still a part in my teaching and flute playing. I was also very honored being invited several times as a guest artist in his latest classes in Weggis.
For his inspiration and his friendship I dedicated my “La Bohéme Fantasy“ to Sir James Galway to close the circle for my admiration and gratitude for him. Thank you for everything Jimmy.”
Jürgen Franz is one of the most varied flutists of his generation. He studied in the Music-University of Frankfurt and Stuttgart. Further studies brought him to Maxence Larrieu and Sir James Galway.
He was a member of the Bielefeld and the Stuttgart Philharmonic Orchestra. Currently he is a member of the NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchestra in Hamburg. Jürgen played as Solo-flutist in the Philharmonic Orchestra from "La Scala di Milano", the Richard Wagner Festival Orchestra in Bayreuth and the “Symphonica Toscanini”, where Lorin Maazel invited him to play as Solo-flutist. He also was a frequently guest in the Berlin Philharmonic.
As soloist and chambermusician he toured worldwide and is seen frequently in the major Flute Festivals and in the Jury of international Flute Competitions.
Jürgen Franz is Professor for Flute at the Music-University (Hochschule für Musik und Theater) Hamburg.