Discover more ways to learn from Sir James & Lady Galway, any time, anywhere.

MARCH Adult learner series
Join us for two online sessions, 13th & 27th March at 7pm (CET), as we learn with Lady Jeanne Galway.
Session One - Reels, Jigs, Rhythm and more…
13th March 7pm (CET)
Have you ever wanted to get a bit more crispiness in your playing? Maybe a stronger inner sense of rhythm? Maybe you have heard a classical piece or catchy folk tune that you play by ear, that you want to get just that bit more sparkly?
In this session, being so close to St. Patrick’s day, we will explore how to bring these elements into your everyday playing of simple tunes like: Danny Boy, Brian Boru, the Irish Washerwoman and a traditional jig - and don’t forget to wear your green!
Session Two - Springtime review and repertoire
27th March 7pm (CET)
I am wondering how you are all getting on? As we approach our Springtime review we shall look together as a group on your progress. In our discussions, I hope also to show you what progress you have made! Sometimes we cannot see our progress ourselves, as others can.
As you prepare for this session maybe take some notes to share with the group and also choose your favourite piece of repertoire to play for the class as we enjoy our Springtime review together!

FEBRUARY Adult learner series
Join us for two online sessions, 13th & 27th February at 7pm (CET), as we learn with Lady Jeanne Galway.
Session One - Breathing, vibrato and more…
13th February 7pm (CET)
As flutists, the most important aspect of our playing is breathing correctly. If you were like me when you were young, breathing correctly was never explained. "Just take big breath" was what I heard. In this session we will work on breathing and vibrato. Once we can breath correctly we can work on our vibrato. In this lesson we shall work on exercises to allow you to develop oyur vibrato and incorporating it into your playing with control and enriching your playing.
Session Two - Developing our Intonation and Technique
27th February 7pm (CET)
Developing our ability to hear the note before we play it. Singing, practicing arpeggios. Learning how to hear the notes, knowing the placement of your embouchure before you play that next leap or jump or semi tone. Building confidence through these techniques. n this session we will use our new techniques of ‘listening before we leap’ when we play a bit faster.

December Adult learner series
Join us for two online sessions, 12th & 19th December at 7pm (CET), as we learn with Lady Jeanne Galway.
Session One - Putting it all together & our high notes
12th December 7pm (CET)
How do we get a beautiful open, easy sound in our upper register? The flute can soar so beautifully above all other instruments with the purest of sounds.
Ah…. but for us, being in control, playing with ease without closing our throats or squeezing can sometimes be an issue. In this session we shall review what we have learned these past few months and also work on our high register.
Session Two - Let’s play together!!!!!
19th December 7pm (CET)
Your goals for the New Year…Playing music with others?? Joining a flute band, finding a duo partner? Taking your flute playing to the next level. I would like to explore with you how we work on sight-reading and finding beautiful duets to learn and play with a partner. The composers understand the harmony and harmonic structure of two simple lines.

NOVEMBER Adult learner series
Join us for two online sessions, 14th & 26th November at 7pm (CET), as we learn with Lady Jeanne Galway.
Session One - Developing our Low Notes
14th November 7pm (CET)
Your embouchure position is the key. Once again we need to understand exactly where and what our embouchure does when playing in our low register. There are so many wonderful possibilities to developing & enjoying a rich, full, low register. One that is always there when you need it!
Session Two - Trill time
26th November 7pm (CET)
Have you ever practiced trills? Do you understand trills? Trills are very special ornaments, and a beautiful addition to our musical performance.
A trill can bring us to our great finale or give us the calm of ending a special moment within the music. All with the simplest of movement - 2 notes.

October Adult learner series
10th & 17th October at 7pm (CET), as we learn with Lady Jeanne Galway.
Session One - Tone
10th October 7pm (CET)
How do we develop our tone? What are we listening for?
Movement of embouchure…. Sonoritè. Creating that very special magic when playing form note to note. Keeping our beautiful tone through leaps and jumps and what about when we add our tongue?
Session Two - Tonguing and Repertoire.
17th October 7pm (CET)
Putting it all together with clarity and ease. Struggling with notes?? Do those black busy bits in the music set off a panic inside? Let’s walk through these dilemmas that stop us from feeling confident and secure in our playing.

Mentoring series
Sunday 27th October from 6pm - 8:30pm (CET), with Sir James & Lady Jeanne Galway.
Session One: Your Next Steps
27th October 6pm (CET)
Aimed at High School & Conservatory/University students and beyond.
This one hour online session, hosted by Lady Galway, will help you define and realise your goals for the immediate future and beyond. With so many opportunities in the music business available today and such huge network of resources, teachers, schools, orchestras available to you to choose from where do we start? Sometimes the practicality of your immediate end goals can be overwhelming & cause you to lose sight of the bigger picture.
Session Two: What would Sir James say? Audition Special
27th October 7:30pm (CET)
Is there a question you’ve been dying to ask Sir James Galway ahead of your next exam or audition? Well now is your chance!
Our first one hour question and answer session will take place on Sunday 27th October and will focus on upcoming exams or auditions.
In this session, Sir James will invite students to play to him online so he can offer his best advice and tips on improvement their playing, especially for upcoming exams or auditions.